Coronavirus March 22nd, 2020 Update

Over the past few weeks Streets To Success Foundation has been monitoring the continuously changing COVID-19 situation both in Uganda and globally. Unfortunately, yesterday Saturday 21st, 2020 the Minister of Health in Uganda announced the countries first confirmed case of the novel coronavirus. Although this news is upsetting, STSF has been preparing for this moment and feels confident in our ability to continue to provide for the boys in our care. Thankfully, as of today we have no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in any staff or children of Streets To Success Foundation. 

As we prepare for the increase of cases around the country, we acknowledge the importance of prevention and have taken the following precautions: 
  • Suspended all outings for boys living in the safe house
  • All boys living at boarding school and day school boys are staying home
  • Increase accessibility to soap and disinfectant and continuously wiping down surfaces
  • Education on COVID-19 and adequately washing hands and hygiene practices and social distancing practices 
  • Continuing therapy sessions remotely by video sessions
  • Limiting staff interaction with anyone outside of Streets To Success Foundation’s compound
  • Using a trusted boda man to deliver needed supplies to safe house
  • Suspending Kisenyi program to encourage social distancing 
  • Purchased new mosquito nets to enhance boys overall health and limit transmission of malaria 
  • The safe house will begin quarantine on March 23rd, 2020  

Streets To Success Foundation is determined to continue to decrease risk of transmission and provide the most vulnerable with support. Working with our staff who have experiences in fighting novel coronavirus on the front lines as a nursing profession and studying Public Health in an academic setting along with following the CDC and World Health Organization's recommendations, we continue to fight the pandemic and respond quickly to new guidelines.

Please feel free to reach out to our team with any questions, comments, or concerns. As always, we thank you for your continued support with Streets To Success Foundation.

Stay safe and healthy!
Streets To Success Foundation
